Sky-MDT is a custom flavor of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. We designed this service to be single or multi-tenant and support all sizes of environments. The design is hub and spoke setup meaning we can manage everything from one central server for all other spokes. So no matter how large or remote your infrastructure is we can make it work for your needs.
Tired of mailing computers back and forth to sites causing a possible security breach? Maybe you’re mailing USB sticks with some huge bloated disk image? Got a remote site you need to be able to image computers at without being there? Whether it’s a on-premise server, a cloud structure, multi-domain, an old Dell sitting in the closet or we host it for you, we can make anything happen using Sky-MDT.
If you are using more than 1 image per OS flavor, paying to use SCCM or have multi-sites in any country, We can get you consolidated.
We live and breath Enterprise Image Management
Brand your deployment to match your customers name, logo and or motto
Make your deployment as fresh as possible to make it as easy as possible for end users.
Apply all security and patching requirements at the time of deploying the OS to the computer.
Reporting and data collection to see who, what and when a deployment is completed or errors.
We can optimize your deployment by making sure you are only deploying what you need.
We can mock up your current environment for testing before moving to production.
*Prices are for the hosting plan and service. For full details click “LearnMore”